Thomas Sibley
2010-01-17 19:08:58 UTC
Hi All,
I've started a Jifty branch 'js-refactor' for cleaning up Jifty's
Javascript libraries and usage. Here's a short summary of what I've
done so far:
- Removed bps_util.js. I threw out our custom onLoadHook() functions
and moved the other utility functions in jifty_utils.js under the
Jifty.Utils namespace.
- Removed JSAN core and included libraries from Jifty and replaced it's
scattered, scant usage with equivalent jQuery calls.
- Removed formatDate.js, as it hasn't been used by any Jifty JS for the
last 3 years.
I merged this work down to the master trunk on Friday. Future plans for
the js-refactor branch are in docs/js-refactor on the branch.
I've started a Jifty branch 'js-refactor' for cleaning up Jifty's
Javascript libraries and usage. Here's a short summary of what I've
done so far:
- Removed bps_util.js. I threw out our custom onLoadHook() functions
and moved the other utility functions in jifty_utils.js under the
Jifty.Utils namespace.
- Removed JSAN core and included libraries from Jifty and replaced it's
scattered, scant usage with equivalent jQuery calls.
- Removed formatDate.js, as it hasn't been used by any Jifty JS for the
last 3 years.
I merged this work down to the master trunk on Friday. Future plans for
the js-refactor branch are in docs/js-refactor on the branch.