Shawn M Moore
2011-04-15 14:38:59 UTC
We have audited the Jifty::DBI code and have found several weaknesses.
We recommend that sites with Jifty deployments upgrade its Jifty::DBI to
Jifty::DBI versions up to and including 0.67 have SQL injection
weaknesses that could cause applications to have vulnerabilities,
depending on how they pass user-provided data into Jifty::DBI method
calls. We do not believe attacks to be capable of directly inserting,
altering or removing data from the database, but a user could possibly
use them to retrieve unauthorized data.
Be sure to run your application's test suite against Jifty::DBI 0.68,
because Jifty::DBI now rejects some previously-accepted abuses of method
parameters. For example, if your application passes a function call in
the "column" parameter of the limit() method, you must change this to
use the "function" parameter instead.
You can get Jifty::DBI 0.68 from a CPAN mirror near you, using your
ordinary CPAN client or by downloading the following tarball:
4f2d2c10f225a8e10afc04fb2745e99bd3dd5d4b Jifty-DBI-0.68.tar.gz
We recommend that sites with Jifty deployments upgrade its Jifty::DBI to
Jifty::DBI versions up to and including 0.67 have SQL injection
weaknesses that could cause applications to have vulnerabilities,
depending on how they pass user-provided data into Jifty::DBI method
calls. We do not believe attacks to be capable of directly inserting,
altering or removing data from the database, but a user could possibly
use them to retrieve unauthorized data.
Be sure to run your application's test suite against Jifty::DBI 0.68,
because Jifty::DBI now rejects some previously-accepted abuses of method
parameters. For example, if your application passes a function call in
the "column" parameter of the limit() method, you must change this to
use the "function" parameter instead.
You can get Jifty::DBI 0.68 from a CPAN mirror near you, using your
ordinary CPAN client or by downloading the following tarball:
4f2d2c10f225a8e10afc04fb2745e99bd3dd5d4b Jifty-DBI-0.68.tar.gz