Yves Agostini
2010-04-26 10:53:11 UTC
I just looked at your module at cpan.org. Thanks for writing and
publishing that module.
Am I able to link a user x (some user) to my profile, like can I add a
specific UID to my friend list at facebook? Do I understand that
module right?
I look forward hearing from you. Thank you.
Sorry for the delayHi,
I just looked at your module at cpan.org. Thanks for writing and
publishing that module.
Am I able to link a user x (some user) to my profile, like can I add a
specific UID to my friend list at facebook? Do I understand that
module right?
I look forward hearing from you. Thank you.
I was not the main author of this module, I just made the package.
The first author was certainly Alex Vandiver. I will forward this
response to jifty-devel list.
I made some tests with this plugin and I think that LinkFacebookUser was
usable with the old facebook API. Maybe Alex can confirm ?
Now I don't find how to use /facebook/callback_link with "facebook
On January I started to add the new "extended permission" on my github
As you can ask email to facebook user it could be a better way to merge
users with same email.
I don't finished my tests with FQL (facebook query language), so I don't
pushed on github. Maybe in few weeks ...
I don't think there's a standard way to "link your friend list".
It could certainly be made with FQL.
However, I recently found a bug with facebook connect : new facebook
keys are over 13 characters so we can no more use integer type for
facebook_uid column. The workaround is to alter table to use bigint.
Best Regards from Germany
AGOSTINI Yves CRI - Université Paul Verlaine - Metz
***@univ-metz.fr http://www.crium.univ-metz.fr
tel: 03 87 31 52 63 fax: 03 87 31 53 33 PGP: 842CC261
AGOSTINI Yves CRI - Université Paul Verlaine - Metz
***@univ-metz.fr http://www.crium.univ-metz.fr
tel: 03 87 31 52 63 fax: 03 87 31 53 33 PGP: 842CC261