[jifty-devel] Your module - Jifty::Plugin::Authentication::Facebook::Action::LinkFacebookUser
Yves Agostini
2010-04-26 10:53:11 UTC
I just looked at your module at cpan.org. Thanks for writing and
publishing that module.
Am I able to link a user x (some user) to my profile, like can I add a
specific UID to my friend list at facebook? Do I understand that
module right?
I look forward hearing from you. Thank you.
Sorry for the delay

I was not the main author of this module, I just made the package.
The first author was certainly Alex Vandiver. I will forward this
response to jifty-devel list.

I made some tests with this plugin and I think that LinkFacebookUser was
usable with the old facebook API. Maybe Alex can confirm ?
Now I don't find how to use /facebook/callback_link with "facebook

On January I started to add the new "extended permission" on my github

As you can ask email to facebook user it could be a better way to merge
users with same email.
I don't finished my tests with FQL (facebook query language), so I don't
pushed on github. Maybe in few weeks ...

I don't think there's a standard way to "link your friend list".
It could certainly be made with FQL.

However, I recently found a bug with facebook connect : new facebook
keys are over 13 characters so we can no more use integer type for
facebook_uid column. The workaround is to alter table to use bigint.
Best Regards from Germany
AGOSTINI Yves CRI - Université Paul Verlaine - Metz
***@univ-metz.fr http://www.crium.univ-metz.fr
tel: 03 87 31 52 63 fax: 03 87 31 53 33 PGP: 842CC261
Thomas Sibley
2010-04-26 18:16:19 UTC
Hi all,
Post by Yves Agostini
I was not the main author of this module, I just made the package.
The first author was certainly Alex Vandiver. I will forward this
response to jifty-devel list.
I made some tests with this plugin and I think that LinkFacebookUser was
usable with the old facebook API. Maybe Alex can confirm ?
Now I don't find how to use /facebook/callback_link with "facebook
I actually wrote this plugin, but the functionality hasn't been updated
since 2007. Both Yves and Alex's changes appear to be only to the repo
location, Debian package, and other logistics. The plugin WAS working
until recently, when Facebook changed their login API.
Post by Yves Agostini
I don't think there's a standard way to "link your friend list".
It could certainly be made with FQL.
Kevin: I think you're confused about the purpose of the plugin. It is
meant to enable logging into Jifty applications as a Facebook user. The
LinkFacebookUser action links a Facebook user with an already existing
Jifty user so that they may login to the Jifty app using Facebook. It
has nothing to do with your Facebook friend list. You'll probably want
to investigate the WWW::Facebook::API module on CPAN.
Post by Yves Agostini
However, I recently found a bug with facebook connect : new facebook
keys are over 13 characters so we can no more use integer type for
facebook_uid column. The workaround is to alter table to use bigint.
Good catch, the schema definition for the plugin should be updated
whenever the module gets updated for the new authentication scheme.
Filing a bug or two on rt.cpan.org would be nice. :)

