[jifty-devel] Order of Actions in Request
Eric-Christian Koch
2009-06-09 15:54:56 UTC

i wonder if someone of you can give me a hint.

In my template i created some actions with giving them an order value.
@actions = (
$record1->as_update_action( order => 1),
$record2->as_update_action( order => 2)

And added them to a link:
onclick => [ { submit => \@actions ...

However, the order value did not make it into the JSON as the request
was send to the server.
So it was undef while processed in Jifty::Request.

After some debuging i added the following javascript code to the
Action.data_structur function:
Action.prototype.data_structure = function() {
var a = {};
a['moniker'] = this.moniker;
a['class'] = this.actionClass;

if (this.register && this.register.id) {
var tmp = this.register.id.match(/^J:A-(\d+)-/);
if (tmp.length == 2)
a['order'] = tmp[1];

Now the JSON, send by the ajax request, contains the order value and the
actions are executed in the correct order.
Still, i dont know if i probably misunderstood something about the order
I would realy like to know if someone of you has figured out how it is
supposed to work.

PS: Sorry for my bad english. ;)

Thanks in advance,
Jesse Vincent
2009-06-09 16:25:11 UTC
Mmm. That looks reasonable to me, but it's been so long since I've
touched it. Anyone else have opinions?
Post by Eric-Christian Koch
i wonder if someone of you can give me a hint.
In my template i created some actions with giving them an order value.
@actions = (
$record1->as_update_action( order => 1),
$record2->as_update_action( order => 2)
However, the order value did not make it into the JSON as the request
was send to the server.
So it was undef while processed in Jifty::Request.
After some debuging i added the following javascript code to the
Action.prototype.data_structure = function() {
var a = {};
a['moniker'] = this.moniker;
a['class'] = this.actionClass;
if (this.register && this.register.id) {
var tmp = this.register.id.match(/^J:A-(\d+)-/);
if (tmp.length == 2)
a['order'] = tmp[1];
Now the JSON, send by the ajax request, contains the order value and the
actions are executed in the correct order.
Still, i dont know if i probably misunderstood something about the order
I would realy like to know if someone of you has figured out how it is
supposed to work.
PS: Sorry for my bad english. ;)
Thanks in advance,
jifty-devel mailing list
William F. Dudley Jr.
2009-06-09 16:47:15 UTC
Post by Jesse Vincent
Mmm. That looks reasonable to me, but it's been so long since I've
touched it. Anyone else have opinions?
Post by Eric-Christian Koch
i wonder if someone of you can give me a hint.
In my template i created some actions with giving them an order value.
@actions = (
$record1->as_update_action( order => 1),
$record2->as_update_action( order => 2)
However, the order value did not make it into the JSON as the request
was send to the server.
So it was undef while processed in Jifty::Request.
After some debuging i added the following javascript code to the
Action.prototype.data_structure = function() {
var a = {};
a['moniker'] = this.moniker;
a['class'] = this.actionClass;
if (this.register && this.register.id) {
var tmp = this.register.id.match(/^J:A-(\d+)-/);
if (tmp.length == 2)
a['order'] = tmp[1];
Now the JSON, send by the ajax request, contains the order value and the
actions are executed in the correct order.
Still, i dont know if i probably misunderstood something about the order
I would realy like to know if someone of you has figured out how it is
supposed to work.
PS: Sorry for my bad english. ;)
Thanks in advance,
jifty-devel mailing list
jifty-devel mailing list
Alex Vandiver
2009-06-17 20:19:10 UTC
Post by Jesse Vincent
Mmm. That looks reasonable to me, but it's been so long since I've
touched it. Anyone else have opinions?
Looks correct to me -- comitted as r7276.
- Alex
Bugs in Jifty via RT
2009-06-09 16:25:51 UTC

This message has been automatically generated in response to the
creation of a trouble ticket regarding:
"[jifty-devel] Order of Actions in Request",
a summary of which appears below.

There is no need to reply to this message right now. Your ticket has been
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[rt.cpan.org #46800]

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Thank you,


i wonder if someone of you can give me a hint.

In my template i created some actions with giving them an order value.
@actions = (
$record1->as_update_action( order => 1),
$record2->as_update_action( order => 2)

And added them to a link:
onclick => [ { submit => \@actions ...

However, the order value did not make it into the JSON as the request
was send to the server.
So it was undef while processed in Jifty::Request.

After some debuging i added the following javascript code to the
Action.data_structur function:
Action.prototype.data_structure = function() {
var a = {};
a['moniker'] = this.moniker;
a['class'] = this.actionClass;

if (this.register && this.register.id) {
var tmp = this.register.id.match(/^J:A-(\d+)-/);
if (tmp.length == 2)
a['order'] = tmp[1];

Now the JSON, send by the ajax request, contains the order value and the
actions are executed in the correct order.
Still, i dont know if i probably misunderstood something about the order
I would realy like to know if someone of you has figured out how it is
supposed to work.

PS: Sorry for my bad english. ;)

Thanks in advance,
Alex Vandiver via RT
2009-06-17 20:20:09 UTC
<URL: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=46800 >

Committed as r7276.
Randall Marbach via RT
2009-06-28 03:44:19 UTC
<URL: http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=46800 >

Post by Alex Vandiver via RT
<URL: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=46800 >
According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you have any
further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.
jifty-devel mailing list
Sent from my mobile device
Randall Marbach via RT
2009-06-28 04:03:49 UTC
<URL: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=46800 >

Post by Alex Vandiver via RT
<URL: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=46800 >
According to our records, your request has been resolved. If you have any
further questions or concerns, please respond to this message.
jifty-devel mailing list
Sent from my mobile device
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