[jifty-devel] t/TestApp/t/20-error-pages.t test 24 in cpan 0.90409 fails
Peter Mottram
2009-04-19 16:41:27 UTC
Just noticed the new cpan drop so thought I'd give it a try...

$ perl -Ilib -Iblib/libt/TestApp/t/20-error-pages.t
not ok 24 - Doesn't have error header

$mech->content() shows that mech is not fibbing since 'something went
awry' is definitely there btu I'm not sure exactly what is happening here.
All other tests are OK. Any ideas?

This is the failing test...

$mech->content_unlike(qr/something went awry/i, "Doesn't have error header");

Just checked svn 6799 and have same result.

Alex Vandiver
2009-04-21 17:31:04 UTC
Post by Peter Mottram
$mech->content() shows that mech is not fibbing since 'something went
awry' is definitely there btu I'm not sure exactly what is happening here.
All other tests are OK. Any ideas?
Do you have a previous jifty install sitting around? Error templates
were refactored and moved into Template::Declare code, and the search
order of templates was also adjusted. I believed I fixed it such that
old RT installs didn't need to be purged, but you may be running into
jifty's old top-level 'autohandler' file kicking in. Try cleaning out
any pre-existing jifty share dirs and trying again?
- Alex
