[jifty-devel] Template::Declare vs HTML::Mason
Matt Zagrabelny
2010-05-17 16:26:13 UTC

I've read through some of the jifty-devel archives and have grepped the
internet, however I have yet to find out why Template::Delcare (T::D) is
the bees' knees. Why did jifty begin to prefer T::D over Mason?

Matt Zagrabelny - ***@d.umn.edu - (218) 726 8844
University of Minnesota Duluth
Information Technology Systems & Services
PGP key 4096R/42A00942 2009-12-16
Fingerprint: 5814 2CCE 2383 2991 83FF C899 07E2 BFA8 42A0 0942

He is not a fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot
-Jim Elliot
Jesse Vincent
2010-05-17 16:38:20 UTC
Post by Matt Zagrabelny
I've read through some of the jifty-devel archives and have grepped the
internet, however I have yet to find out why Template::Delcare (T::D) is
the bees' knees. Why did jifty begin to prefer T::D over Mason?
We like both. Mason is much better for building prose-heavy parts of apps.
T::D is very nice for making reusable components, subclassing, mixing in,
validating at compile time and refactoring.
