hi Ruslan,
I see your point, but I can't find a better solution :)
Having one Form::Field subclass for all kinds of multiple-choice selection
looks attractive, but difficult to implement and make everyone happy.
In regards to div/span layout: the choices should be arranged one above the
other, otherwise it doesn't scale. In the application which I develop now,
I extract a number of data element names from an external database, and then
let the user choose all or some of them for further processing. The number can be
arbitrary, so they have to be arranged one on top of the other.
Probably I have to end up with a subclass of Action and override attributes()
so that it generates the needed number of checkboxes. However, then we don't
have a way to group them (I actually extract 4 different groups of data elements,
and was going to give the user four multiple-choice selections on one page).
any suggestions?
From: Ruslan Zakirov <***@gmail.com>
To: Nifty apps in a Jiffy <jifty-***@lists.jifty.org>
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2009 9:10:19 PM
Subject: Re: [jifty-devel] Multiple-choice with checkbox
Hello Stanislav,
May be I was not clear enough. I was not talking about multiple groups
of checkboxes, but only about a selector widget that allows user
select one or several values for an argument of the action. We can
render such selector widget in different ways, for example it can
"select" set of radio buttons, set of checkboxes to allow user select
multiple values, it can be combobox to allow user type alternative
value, it can checkboxes with text input for alternative. For you as
developer there should be no difference between them, you picked
multi-select, but then decided that checkboxes are better and you just
switch renderer and code just works.
About your code:
* MultiChoice is bad name. You say that you prefer elementary
functionality then it should be named Checkbox. Checkbox is the way to
allow people choose multiple values, otherwise radio buttons should be
* ::Radio, ::Select and other don't wrap widget into a div and you shouldn't too
* probably you shouldn't wrap each element into a div, but span
What I don't like is Zoo and hope you understand that it's more
pleasant to work with consistent and predictable enviroment.
Post by Stanislav Sinyaginhi Ruslan,
I think your proposal is a bit orthogonal to what is implemented now. Each of
the Form::* classes implement some elementary form input, so I would prefer having
it the same way.
Also multiple checkboxes need a bit of different indentation, so that one could recongize a group.
----- Original Message ----
Post by Ruslan Zakirov::Form::Choice with the following properties: look => {Dropdown,
List}, multiple => {0, 1}, alternative => {0, 1}.
Dropdown => Select
Dropdown, alternative => Combobox
List => Radios
List, multiple => Checkboxes
As you can see it requires more work, but you can implement only what
you need and live some combinations not implemented. For example
jifty-devel mailing list
Best regards, Ruslan.