[jifty-devel] Jifty as an MVC
Jacinta Richardson
2008-11-04 03:04:30 UTC
G'day folk,

I've been subscribed to this list for a while, but not particularly active on
it. I haven't really used Jifty yet, but that's about to change. ;)

I'm writing a conference paper comparing a number of Perl's popular
MVCs - from a beginners point of view.

If anyone has anything they'd like to share about Jifty vs Gantry,
Catalyst, CGI::App etc, I'm certainly open to insights. I don't have
enough time to learn all of these frameworks properly so I'm very
dependent - at this stage - on information from the users and

My paper (and findings) will be available in December. I'm rating MVCs on:
* community participation
* ease of installation
* flexibility
* quality of documentation
* ease in creating a particular sample program (with CRUD)

I expect Jifty to go really well, and I'd love my results to help spin up the
publicity machine that's been waiting since Christmas 2005. ;)

Your feedback would be very much appreciated.

All the best,

("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._ | Jacinta Richardson |
`6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) | Perl Training Australia |
(_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' | +61 3 9354 6001 |
_..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,' | ***@perltraining.com.au |
(il),-'' (li),' ((!.-' | www.perltraining.com.au |
Shawn M Moore
2008-11-06 22:19:14 UTC
Post by Jacinta Richardson
G'day folk,
Hi Jacinta,
Post by Jacinta Richardson
I've been subscribed to this list for a while, but not particularly active on
it. I haven't really used Jifty yet, but that's about to change. ;)
Welcome aboard!
Post by Jacinta Richardson
I'm writing a conference paper comparing a number of Perl's popular
MVCs - from a beginners point of view.

Even if people don't choose our software, we're happy that they will
have considered it, and that they'll be using the good open source code
in any of the popular frameworks.
Post by Jacinta Richardson
If anyone has anything they'd like to share about Jifty vs Gantry,
Catalyst, CGI::App etc, I'm certainly open to insights. I don't have
enough time to learn all of these frameworks properly so I'm very
dependent - at this stage - on information from the users and
One of the biggest selling points of Jifty is that it's "full stack". We
provide ways for you to do what you need. Everything is integrated so we
can do more interesting things with them. We give you an ORM, two
templating languages, a set of useful JS libraries (that Jifty itself
uses), and so on.

On the other hand, Catalyst is a "glue" framework. It provides nearly
all of the things you need as plugins. You can use whichever plugins you
want, but they probably don't interact with the other plugins you choose.
Post by Jacinta Richardson
* community participation
* ease of installation
* flexibility
* quality of documentation
* ease in creating a particular sample program (with CRUD)
I think Jifty will fare pretty well. Especially on that last point!
Post by Jacinta Richardson
I expect Jifty to go really well, and I'd love my results to help spin up the
publicity machine that's been waiting since Christmas 2005. ;)
Yeah I think it's about time we fired up the ole world domination engine
Post by Jacinta Richardson
Your feedback would be very much appreciated.
Please let us know if there's anything else you need.
Post by Jacinta Richardson
All the best,
Marc Chantreux
2008-11-24 07:32:14 UTC
hello jifty people,
Post by Shawn M Moore
One of the biggest selling points of Jifty is that it's "full stack". We
provide ways for you to do what you need. Everything is integrated so we
can do more interesting things with them. We give you an ORM, two
templating languages, a set of useful JS libraries (that Jifty itself
uses), and so on.
AFAIR, my interest for jifty got down the day i read on this list that
Jifty does an intensive use of mason so it will be hard to use another
template engine with it. My TT2 addiction drove me to catalyst pages.

I just read that there is 2 templating languages: is there a new hope
for me? how hard can be the use of TT2 today?


Jesse Vincent
2008-11-24 07:39:48 UTC
Post by Marc Chantreux
AFAIR, my interest for jifty got down the day i read on this list that
Jifty does an intensive use of mason so it will be hard to use another
template engine with it. My TT2 addiction drove me to catalyst pages.
I just read that there is 2 templating languages: is there a new hope
for me? how hard can be the use of TT2 today?
None of us are big TT users, so AFAIK, it hasn't been tried, but I think
the abstraction is good enough now that you should be able to write a TT
plugin pretty cleanly. I'd welcome the contribution.

Post by Marc Chantreux
jifty-devel mailing list
