Jacinta Richardson
2008-11-04 03:04:30 UTC
G'day folk,
I've been subscribed to this list for a while, but not particularly active on
it. I haven't really used Jifty yet, but that's about to change. ;)
I'm writing a conference paper comparing a number of Perl's popular
MVCs - from a beginners point of view.
If anyone has anything they'd like to share about Jifty vs Gantry,
Catalyst, CGI::App etc, I'm certainly open to insights. I don't have
enough time to learn all of these frameworks properly so I'm very
dependent - at this stage - on information from the users and
My paper (and findings) will be available in December. I'm rating MVCs on:
* community participation
* ease of installation
* flexibility
* quality of documentation
* ease in creating a particular sample program (with CRUD)
I expect Jifty to go really well, and I'd love my results to help spin up the
publicity machine that's been waiting since Christmas 2005. ;)
Your feedback would be very much appreciated.
All the best,
I've been subscribed to this list for a while, but not particularly active on
it. I haven't really used Jifty yet, but that's about to change. ;)
I'm writing a conference paper comparing a number of Perl's popular
MVCs - from a beginners point of view.
If anyone has anything they'd like to share about Jifty vs Gantry,
Catalyst, CGI::App etc, I'm certainly open to insights. I don't have
enough time to learn all of these frameworks properly so I'm very
dependent - at this stage - on information from the users and
My paper (and findings) will be available in December. I'm rating MVCs on:
* community participation
* ease of installation
* flexibility
* quality of documentation
* ease in creating a particular sample program (with CRUD)
I expect Jifty to go really well, and I'd love my results to help spin up the
publicity machine that's been waiting since Christmas 2005. ;)
Your feedback would be very much appreciated.
All the best,
("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._ | Jacinta Richardson |
`6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) | Perl Training Australia |
(_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' | +61 3 9354 6001 |
_..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,' | ***@perltraining.com.au |
(il),-'' (li),' ((!.-' | www.perltraining.com.au |
("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._ | Jacinta Richardson |
`6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) | Perl Training Australia |
(_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' | +61 3 9354 6001 |
_..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,' | ***@perltraining.com.au |
(il),-'' (li),' ((!.-' | www.perltraining.com.au |